A quick view of which section to focus on is provided by the bars on the left:

This section has one or more ‘red’ items that need management validation and action.

This section has one or more ‘yellow’ items that will need management validation and action within the next 90 days.

This section is all good, no action required – but for information.
Items change colour in the main text, depending on the state of them:
expired – red items are where training has expired, or not been done in the required time.
blue or yellow items are where something will expire within the next 90 days
grey items are not yet due to be completed.
For details of the training that each role requires see Appointments Table, and the appointment process rule 4.9 at https://www.scouts.org.uk/por/the-appointment-process/#4.9
For support with what training a person requires, please contact the district training manager on training@worthing-scouts.org.uk.
E-learning opportunities for each module can be found at
Processing of Disclosures is currently suspended – see the guidance at https://www.scouts.org.uk/coronavirus
The information in these alerts is extracted from Compass, and is 24-hours old at the point this report is generated.